In celebration of Memorial Day (and the corresponding long weekend), the Chockleys decided to piggyback off the hard work and planning of our good friends the Sosbees and follow them east to the lovely land of Puglia.
Rather than the long, drawn-out posts of old, I’ve decided to post all our pictures and describe all our adventures through question and answer (thereby creating a long, drawn-out post that's a little less wordy). Anyway, here we go:
Q: What’s the expression on you family’s face as you enter into their first-ever drive-through zoo?
Rather than the long, drawn-out posts of old, I’ve decided to post all our pictures and describe all our adventures through question and answer (thereby creating a long, drawn-out post that's a little less wordy). Anyway, here we go:
Q: What’s the expression on you family’s face as you enter into their first-ever drive-through zoo?
Q: What’s the reaction of a bunch of deer and ram when a 30-year old man moons them from the passenger side of a '94 Beamer?
Q: What’s the loudest your wife has ever yelled at you for just rolling down you window?
Q: Will that tiger really get out of that pool if we perform this Chinese fire drill?
Q: What happens when a zebra sticks his head in your window and smiles at you?
Q: What happens when camels run out of Rogaine?
Q: What would happen if Weird Al Yankovic and Howard Stern had a baby together?
Q: What age do you have to be in Italy to ride a kiddie roller coaster?
A: Born.
Q: What age do you have to be in Italy to ride a fast, wet, and potentially dangerous water ride without safety harnesses?
A: Born
Q: What’s the cheapest paternity test in history?
A: "Ahhh. Video games..."
Q: Mommy + Ella + carousel =
Q: What does it look like when a child tries to “catch” the wind?
Q: Mommy, is daddy mooning the deer again?
Q: Where is Smurf village?
A: Italy.
* They’re Trulli Houses, for the record.
Q: What would Ben look like after making it to first base with my daughter?
Q: What was the Trulli gang sign?
Q: Who is Ella’s favorite Bible character?
A: Zacchaeus!
Hope you enjoyed that. I sure did. We’ll see if this format endures the test of time…
- pac
My favorite... "I am recording it!"
What does Ella think of Zebras now?
Love the new format. Glad you all are enjoying your time there...and living on the edge a little? A drive through zoo and roller coasters at 1 year old. It doesn't look like there were many people on those rides. Do they know something you don't know? Hmmmm...a little scary...but fun nonetheless. :-)
Hey! I love all the pics! Cute update! Glad to see yall are enjoying your time there! Love the Zebra footage! Thomas said to tell you that Ella is too darn cute (esp trying to catch the wind!).
So, I can't find a way to email you on your blog. You should add that Phillip so your fans can reach you. I have your email somewhere but I can't find it. Rachel pointed out to me today that you might not know Mommy is me. I assume you do but's me...Misty Mc. W. You fill in the blanks. Now, delete this post because it's stupid. Oh, hi Melissa.
Misty - oh, we knew it was you! In fact, we've been doing everything we can to find you guy's blog least I thought you had any event, if you do, could you please share? I'd like to put links to you and Rachel's on the side bar. But wait - does Rachel have one? I'm actaully thinking no now...
my e-mail is first initial and last name (one word) at hotmail dot com.
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