To set things up, I had just opened up the fridge to get out eggs or something to make breakfast. Ella surreptitiously snagged some yogurt (as is her practice, although she usually walks away with something less appetizing and more innocuous - say mustard, soy sauce, or an ever-so-fragile egg). After a moment Melissa noticed Ella's new-found prize, but being the quality parents we are, we decided that if she wanted it, she could have it; there was no harm in letting her hold it until we could get her into a chair. As Melissa began preparations for the high chair, a spoon etc., Ella followed me - yogurt in hand - out into the hallway where I was perusing our world map, trying to decide what European trip we'd set-out on next. The following is a pictorial essay on what was to follow.

Ella: "Yummmm. So goood. Sweet banana-y goodness...and all I had to do was tear through that thin layer of foil..."
Ella: "Oh, hey, hiya dad! Whats going on?"
Ella: "What, this? No, I have no idea how that got there!"
Nash: "Hey, do I smell banana yogurt?"
Ella: "NO wait, just one more handful!!"
Nash: "Hey sis, watch the eyes."
Ella: "Hey, hold on bub, this is my the ears, hairball!"
Ella: "I don't know why that thing keeps flashing, but I'm gonna keep eating..."
Nash: "Hey, watch where you're dripping, toots."
Ella: "Totally worth it, pops."
Again, being the quality parents we are, we whisked her up, plopped her in the chair, and let her finish it off, dog hair and all. We did add a spoon to the mix. In the end, all that was left on the floor were a few paw prints of dried yogurt from where Nash walked away.
You gotta love weekends.
too cute...I love the play by play!
Oh guys, you're in for a treat....just wait there will be more!! hehe Too funny!
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