Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy [Belated] Halloween!

For whatever reason, Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year. I love donning costumes (exhibit A to my left), I love the weather, I love getting scared, and now that I'm a parent, I love the kid-friendly excitement level. Of course there are lots of pet peeves that I've come to develop regarding older kids and their general obnoxiousness, but I'll save you guys from having to read the gripe session.

Regardless, Halloween was a success this year. Like some others, we "embraced frugality" and just put Ella in last year's costume (sized for 6-12 month olds, mind you). EB was the cutest ladybug for miles. The navy makes trick or treating easy - there was a big base-wide carnival last friday and the door-to-door bi-niss was held in the safety of Naval housing on Halloween itself. I'm happy to report that Ella took in a pretty good haul in her first legitimate outing. Her "Trick or Treat" was hit-or-miss, but she always scored the goods on sheer cuteness alone.

As Ella's "handlers,"Melissa and I brokered a deal by which I received the sweet and she received the sour; Ella should have gotten a better lawyer.

Mel and EB also did their own little punkin' carvin'. I, for one, was content in my role as photogrpaher ; there's always been something about pumpkin guts (and you know thats what it looks and smells like) that has always turned my stomach. I just threw up in my mouth a little thinking about it.
So hopefully everyone enjoyed their holiday. The only italian trick or treaters we received came at around 2300, after Mel and EB had already turned in - you gotta love that italian sense of timliness.


Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


Anonymous said...

No Son, I'll have to admit, you have never been much on cleaning out the pumpkin but you were always pretty creative in drawing the face on it and then letting Micah and Daddy have a ball taking their hands and cleaning it out before Daddy carved it! Micah loved squishing it between his fingers before he started throwing it at you! By the way, you got the "guts" thing from your Dad. That's what he always called it! If you remember, I was always the photographer. Such sweet memories! Love ya'll!

Allison said...

Cute pictures! I just can't get over how big Ella is! And yet she can still wear her costume from last year. I was gonna use Thomas' costume from last year (size 24 mo), but it was too short in the stride for him (he wore a 3T this year!). They just grow too fast!!! I love Melissa pumpkin. Wish I'd had the time to carve one! Talk to yall later.